Thursday, January 31, 2013

WISINDOWED - (WIS-in-dowed) ...

January 30, 2013

How’s everyone doing? I started the year off pretty busy and my pace has not lessened. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I guess I’ll see soon enough. Busy keeps me sane and keeps me from ending up in that dark place. I still choose to LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH even through the tears. 

You know, I always forget at the beginning of the year that I have to fill out my daughter’s FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. I just hate doing these forms but it helps financially with a daughter in college. Filling out this form was not foreign at all because my husband and I would do it together every year. This is another example of knowing what was going on with the business of the house. Imagine if I didn’t know about this application and maybe simply ignored it with everything I’m feeling these days.
Now that would be just tragic; who doesn’t need financial assistance for a child in college? What was difficult about filling out this form was that it reminded me that I am WIDOWED! Man how I hate that word and how it makes me feel. Then I had to check the box that stated her father was DECEASED, I hate that word too!!!  I’m not too comfortable with the word single either, probably because once you’ve been happily married and are widowed, single now is not the same has single before ever being married. You see life with a different set of eyes. With that said I have declared myself WISINDOWED!
It's a combination of WI from wisdom, SIN from single, and DOWED from widowed. I FEEL BETTER ALREADY! :) Now to figure out how to get that word on any and every demography needed for anything and everything, hmmmm. When life serves you lemons make lemon frosted pound cake (you thought I was going to say lemonade) GOTCHA!! By the way, have you tasted Starbuck’s lemon frosted pound cake? The way the cake ministers to me, nothing should taste that good!!  That was random but anyway…

If you remember in my last blog, I mentioned how sometimes things happen that you have no control over… LIFE HAPPENS. The question is what do you do when life happens? Do you crawl into a corner, cry and hope it goes away? Do you look the situation in the face and handle it? My husband would always say, “I ain’t going out like that!” Meaning I am going to fight until the end, that’s what he did and that’s what I will continue to do.

Life happened when we returned to NY after being in Virginia for many years and Emm had no job; IBM confirmed a job and there was none. We honestly didn’t know it would be so very hard for him to find a job. The biggest problem was “you’re over qualified”.  What impressed me with my husband was that he never laid around waiting for the “white collar” job to come around. This man went from handling US Navy accounts with IBM to working in a supermarket (Grand Union) at night stocking shelves from 10pm to 5am and took temp jobs in accounting until he found a permanent job, a year and a half later.

No one is exempt from life’s challenges. What makes the difference is how you handle life. Always know life is a process and we are forever maturing in how we deal with challenges. So don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it right the first time. Listen to those that know, learn from the situations, and deal with it, be PROACTIVE!

Love you guys and don’t forget I’m NOT single, I’m NOT widowed any longer, I AM WISINDOWED!!! HOLLA!!!!


  1. Wow! That's powerful! So proud of you

  2. Great post! Your strength is inspiring.

  3. Wow!!
    What a "wonderful place" was what I felt when I finished reading your blog. I finally found it and it was worth the search.

    Three things:
    1. I am almost five years "WISINDOWED" thanks for the term,

    2. Sure enough, "Life does Happen" and we must continue on,


    3. I'm passing Starbuck's on my home and I must try the "lemon frosted pound cake"

    Love you and thanks for sharing your innermost and your most thoughtful thoughts.

  4. I absolutely love this! I became widowed at the tender age of 24. I married young - my first boyfriend. He was a wonderful husband but the Lord decided to heal him eternally. Since, I've waited on the Lord & was blessed again with an anointed prayerful wise man of God. We've been married 15 years and have 2 wonderful children. So be encouraged, if you want it again God is able..... by the way..... sorry for your loss but happy for your gain. Through it all you gained WISINDOWED! Love you. God bless.
