Hi family,
Tomorrow is Christmas day, yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!! It is
an exciting time of year. I am looking forward to it and, on purpose, I plan to
have a wonderful holiday! I stopped
putting the tree up once Heather out grew the three foot tree we had, it didn’t
take long, she was probably about three years old when we stopped …(laughing). Imagine
this child looking DOWN at a tree because she’s much taller than it, there’s something
painfully wrong with that picture (still laughing). In my mind the idea is to look UP at a
gy-normous (Chloe Kardashian word) tree and be in awe. Well guess what I did to rectify the
situation, I went out last week and bought an eight foot tree. I went to Sears, had a young man help me put
it in the car, the box didn’t fit in the car, he took the tree out of the box
and put it in my trunk. When I got home
I took everything out, in my own clumsy, Lucy Ricardo (I LOVE LUCY) style; I
managed to get the tree in the house.
Did I mention it was raining during this whole ordeal? I was sweating and breathing hard but guess
what folks I got that tree up, with lights and all (well it actually came with
lights). That tree gave me such joy,
once I saw it in its upright position.

I am also going to cook because my family seems to think
that that’s what I am supposed to do, so I shall deliver. How’s this for a menu,
pot roast (slow-cooker style) string beans in garlic sauce, asparagus (just cause I love it), corn casserole and
rice. For dessert apple pie(I asked Mrs. Smith to stop by, lol) and ice cream.
I mean that’s not bad for someone that had to work on Christmas Eve and will be
back at work the day after.
Because of my husband’s death, I sometimes have to work at
the choice I have made to LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH to the fullest. And that my
friends, is ok because it is worth it in the end. You see, that choice to live, love, and laugh
puts me in a most wonderful place and everyone that I am connected to,
God bless you, be well, enjoy your day, and remember JESUS